
Showing posts from April, 2016

Get Ready with Your Magento Store to Face Holiday Peak Loads

Online shopping has become the buzz of today’s modern and technology world. The e-commerce websites based on Magento has a successful history of rendering safe and secure services for millions of customers across the globe. The e-commerce platform has become the favorite for the developers, merchants, and the shoppers as well. Original Content Source:

Beware of Ransomware Kimcilware on Your Magento E-commerce Websites

Magento, the most popular e-commerce platform is used by 2, 00,000 companies at global level. It provides the unbeatable e-commerce solutions which includes retail solutions online, community tools, and backend order management. The recent documented threat for this Website is the introduction of ‘kimcelware’ by the attackers and ransome demand. Content Source: Click here